Services.Found it Down Under offers a variety of services to help locate, identify and protect Underground Services.
Underground Cable LocatingWe can find underground Electrical & Telecommunication cables using the latest in EM locator technology. We use only the best EM locators in the Industry that provide precision accuracy. Using Active & Passive locating methods we are able to find these U/G services.
Underground Pipe LocatingWe can find underground Pipes & Drains by using our suite of tools to locate metallic & non-metallic services. Using either our 60m traceable cable rodder, 40m sonde or inductive clamp we can locate these U/G services.
Drain & Pipe InspectionsWe can carry out Pipe & Drain Inspections using our 40m fibreglass push style rod cable that has a Sony 23mm self levelling camera with LED lights. We are able to locate pipe & drains paths and identify where possible blockages using a sonde built into the camera head.
We can provide video recordings & still image play back onsite via a 10" LCD Screen that also provides meter mark accuracy with the Inbuilt meter counter. |
GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar)Coming soon.
GPS Plotting of Underground UtilitiesMore information coming soon...
Utility Location ReportingReports include all Subsurface Utilities located and the accuracy being the Quality Level (QL) Underground Services have been verified.